Monday, February 22, 2010

Today we started learning Parshas Tetzave. We learnt all about pure olive oil and that the cohen was the only one allowed to light the menorah. We also started learning about Parshas Zachor.

Yom Tov
We reviewed the first two mitzvos of Purim and then learnt all about Matanos Laevyonim- giving one coin to two poor people.

Our Completed Megillahs

Today we started turning our painted graggers into clowns. We stuck on eyes ,nose ,mouth , cheeks and hair.

We matched numbers to correct amount of dots. We also had to draw a picture using a key card. The card told us how many birds,clouds,flowers,trees and suns to draw. they had to be created into a picture.
Little Champs
Today we had Little champs.

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