Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today we continued learning Parshas Mishpatim and learnt "midvar sheker tirchak" never tell a lie. We also learnt that we are taking out two sifrei Torah . The second one for parshas Shekalim. Every jew had to bring half a shekel so they could be counted.

We continued the story of Purim learning how king Achashverosh chose Esther to be his queen and how Mordechai (her cousin) promised to sit at the gates of the palace to watch over her.

We drew beautiful bright clowns using cray pas and then drew a border around them.

We learnt the initial sound "b" and found as many words as we can starting with the "b" sound. We also identified words taht start with "b" in our workbooks.

Please send something to school starting with a "b" sound.

We counted bats (animals) and circled the correct number. We then coloured them in

A BIG Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our information evening.

At the evening we decided together that children can bring a fruit or vegetable to school for a mid morning snack.

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