Monday, February 8, 2010


Today we started learning Parshas Mishpatim. We learnt all about mitzvos between one Jew and another Jew. We also learnt taht if your slave does not want to leave you , you have to pierce his ear

Yom Tov

We started learning the story of Purim and were introduced to Achashverosh and Vashti . We also learnt all about the King's banquet


We started making our graggers. We painted them in many different shades of pink and purple.


In our book we worked on a page of numbers 1-5. We cut out hands with different amounts of fingers and stuck them next to the correct number. Then we drew the right amount of dots next to each number

We also matched the number of dots on a ladybird to the correct number

Little Champs

Today we started Little Champs. Everyone was so excited to see Lauren

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