Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today we completed Parshas Tetzave. We learnt all about the clothes that the cohen and Cohen Gadol wore. We also discussed Parshas Zachor - how we remember Amalek. We read Zachor this shabbos because Haman came from Amalek.

Our completed Megillahs

Yom Tov
We completed learning all the mitzvos of Purim-Megilla,Mishloach Manos,Matanos Laevyonim and a seuda. We have discussed each mitzva in detail.

Our Shalach Monos Boxes

We completed our graggers. We stuck on our bows and hats and stuck pom poms on the bows

Our Graggers

We discussed the sense of taste. We circled all the salty pictures and coloured in all the sweet pictures.

In our workbooks we matched shapes to items ie and octagon to stop sign, a diamond to a kite

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