Monday, February 15, 2010

Meshenichnas Adar Marbin Besimcha

Today for Rosh Chosesh Adar we went to the Primary school to dance . The girls all loved dancing to the live music and were so excited to make a train.

Today we started learning Parshas Teruma and how Hashem asked the Bnei Yisroel to build a mishkan. We learnt that everyone was asked to donate to the mishkan and discussed where the Bnei Yisroel got the gold, silver, and precious stones from.
Yom Tov
We continued the story of Purim discussing how the king couldn't sleep and how he read his book of chronicles and how he decided to honour Mordechai.
Today we made Mordechai for our megillah. The girls drew and decorated Mordechai remembering to add tztitzis and a yarmulkah.

We did a worksheet which was a picture of a duck in a pond surrounded by trees, fish and bees. The girls had to count how many of each item there were and write the correct number under each object.

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