Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today we learnt what happened before Matan Torah- how when Hashem asked Bnei Yisrael if they want the Torah and they said Na'ase Venishma. When they said these two words they received two crowns.
Yom Tov
We continued the story of Purim and learnt how Bigsan and Seresh were plotting to kill the king and Mordechai heard and therefore saved the king's life
Today we traced and cut out fish that we are using on our shalach monos boxes. We reviewed how when we cut we must stay on the line all the time and then we will have an accurate shape.
Visual Perception
We practised writing the number 0 by following direction. We also followed the arrows to the dots to create a son.Dot to DotWe did a dot to dot up to number 9 to form a telephone
If A Child Lives With. .
.If a child lives with criticism. . . . . . . .he learns to condemn.If a child lives with hostility. . . . . . . . he learns to fight.If a child lives with fear. . . . . . . .he learns to be apprehensive.If a child lives with jealousy. . . . . . . .he learns to feel guilt.If a child lives with tolerance. . . . . . . .he learns to be patient.If a child lives with encouragement . . . . . . . .he learns to be confident.If a child lives with praise. . . . . . . .he learns to be appreciative.If a child lives with acceptance. . . . . . . .he learns to love.If a child lives with approval. . . . . . . .he learns to like himself.If a child lives with recognition . . . . . . . .he learns that it is good to have a goal.If a child lives with honesty. . . . . . . .he learns what truth is.If a child lives with fairness. . . . . . . .he learns justice.If a child lives with security. . . . . . . .he learns to trust in himself and others .If a child lives with friendliness. . . . . . . .he learns the world is a nice place in which to live.

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