Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today we reviewed Parshas Terumah and looked at pictures of all the keilim in the mishkan

Yom Tov
We started learning the mitzvos of Purim. Today we learnt that you have to hear the megillah twice - once at night and once during the day. We make a noise when they say Haman's name.

We started beading our fish for our Shalach Monos baskets. The girls first coloured in sections of the fish with cray pas and then beaded on top.

We had to count amounts of different animals and circle the correct number.

Today we had library and the girls drew pictures for the library wall. Thanks again to Elisha and Elaine for coming to do library and for the beautiful prizes.

Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Rivka Wineberg and her parents Rabbi Dovid and Sora Baila on the birth of baby gir!!!

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