Thursday, February 25, 2010

We reviewed the whole of parshas Tetzaveh and reviewed Parsha Zachor.

Yom Tov
We discussed Ta'anis Esther and why we fast the day before Purim. We also discussed why we are fasting today and not the day before Purim.

Today we coloured a choshen colour by number. The girls were given the numbers 1-12 and told which colour to colour next to each number. They then coloured the stones of the Choshen according to the key card.

We discussed four different emotions- happy,sad,scared and angry. Rach girl had to say what makes them happy,sad,scared or angry. They then had to stick the correct face next to the picture representing each emotion.

We went to library and heard a story. We also chose new books

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today we completed Parshas Tetzave. We learnt all about the clothes that the cohen and Cohen Gadol wore. We also discussed Parshas Zachor - how we remember Amalek. We read Zachor this shabbos because Haman came from Amalek.

Our completed Megillahs

Yom Tov
We completed learning all the mitzvos of Purim-Megilla,Mishloach Manos,Matanos Laevyonim and a seuda. We have discussed each mitzva in detail.

Our Shalach Monos Boxes

We completed our graggers. We stuck on our bows and hats and stuck pom poms on the bows

Our Graggers

We discussed the sense of taste. We circled all the salty pictures and coloured in all the sweet pictures.

In our workbooks we matched shapes to items ie and octagon to stop sign, a diamond to a kite

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today we started learning Parshas Tetzave. We learnt all about pure olive oil and that the cohen was the only one allowed to light the menorah. We also started learning about Parshas Zachor.

Yom Tov
We reviewed the first two mitzvos of Purim and then learnt all about Matanos Laevyonim- giving one coin to two poor people.

Our Completed Megillahs

Today we started turning our painted graggers into clowns. We stuck on eyes ,nose ,mouth , cheeks and hair.

We matched numbers to correct amount of dots. We also had to draw a picture using a key card. The card told us how many birds,clouds,flowers,trees and suns to draw. they had to be created into a picture.
Little Champs
Today we had Little champs.

On Friday we baked biscuits in the shape of menorahs. The menorah had seven branches just like the menorah in the mishkan

We also completed our fish for our shalach monos basket.
Morah Dini came to play music for us. We sang Purim songs!

We also matched numbers and animals.
We discussed big and small and circled all the BIG items

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today we reviewed Parshas Terumah and looked at pictures of all the keilim in the mishkan

Yom Tov
We started learning the mitzvos of Purim. Today we learnt that you have to hear the megillah twice - once at night and once during the day. We make a noise when they say Haman's name.

We started beading our fish for our Shalach Monos baskets. The girls first coloured in sections of the fish with cray pas and then beaded on top.

We had to count amounts of different animals and circle the correct number.

Today we had library and the girls drew pictures for the library wall. Thanks again to Elisha and Elaine for coming to do library and for the beautiful prizes.

Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Rivka Wineberg and her parents Rabbi Dovid and Sora Baila on the birth of baby gir!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today we completed Parshas Terumah. We learnt all about the shulchan and how the bread stayed fresh the whole week. We also learnt that Hashem showed Moshe an image of the menorah in fire so he would know how to make it

Yom Tov
We completed the story of Purim. We learny how the Jews had to fight a war on the 13th of Adar and were victorious. This was the miracle of Purim

We completed our megillah today. We made Haman and even gave him a sword.

Today we joined the dots to make the numbers 1-10. each number was in an apple and the apples were on a tree.

We discussed the concept of above and below in relation to ourselves. This builds spatial awareness and the child's position in space. We then circled all the pictures that were above the children. These workshops consolidate the skills being taught.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We continued learning Parshas Terumah and learnt all about the mishkan and the aron kodesh

Yom Tov
Today we learnt how at Esther's second party she told Achashverosh that Haman wanted to kill the Jews and Haman was hanged on the gallows.

We made Queen Esther out of all different papers,beads, sequins etc..

We had to identify the pictures starting with "a" and "b" and stick each picture under the correct sound

We had a worksheet with ten worms . The girls had to count the worms and then circle the correct number and then colour them in.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Meshenichnas Adar Marbin Besimcha

Today for Rosh Chosesh Adar we went to the Primary school to dance . The girls all loved dancing to the live music and were so excited to make a train.

Today we started learning Parshas Teruma and how Hashem asked the Bnei Yisroel to build a mishkan. We learnt that everyone was asked to donate to the mishkan and discussed where the Bnei Yisroel got the gold, silver, and precious stones from.
Yom Tov
We continued the story of Purim discussing how the king couldn't sleep and how he read his book of chronicles and how he decided to honour Mordechai.
Today we made Mordechai for our megillah. The girls drew and decorated Mordechai remembering to add tztitzis and a yarmulkah.

We did a worksheet which was a picture of a duck in a pond surrounded by trees, fish and bees. The girls had to count how many of each item there were and write the correct number under each object.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

On Friday we were so lucky to be able to see the ponies that came to school. There were two bigger ponies and one baby . We even manged to pat the ponies

We baked biscuits in the shape of two crowns. One for na'ase and one for venishma.

The girls created beautiful creative pictures of Vashti using metallic paper, hair googly eyes,beads and sequence.

Mazal Tov

A big Mazal Tov to Tamar Youngworth and her parents Brigitte and Robert on the birth of a baby boy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today we reviewed the whole parsha as well as Parshas Shekalim

Parsha Craft
We traced hands using a hand stencil. We then cut out silver circles which were stuck on to hands. This represented the half shekel brought by Bnei Yisrael.

Yom Tov
Today we learnt about how Haman wanted to kill the Jews and sent out letters sealed with the king's ring to say that everyone must have a war with the Jews in the month of Adar.

We made King Achashverosh using many different mediums- drawing, sticking,decorating with jewels and hair. The results were stunning!

Our first trip to the library was so exciting and we loved taking home books. Thanks to Elaine Hurwitz and Elisha Zulberg for volunteering to do library. Books must be returned by next Thursday the latest in order to get a new book. Please send a bag to protect the library to and from school.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking

When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you hang my first picture on the refrigerator,and I wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I thoughtit was good to be kind to animals.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you make my favorite cake for me,and I knew that little things are special things.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I heard you say a prayer, and I believed there was a God that Icould always talk to.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I felt you kiss me good night,and I felt loved.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw tears come from your eyes and I learnedthat sometimes things hurt,but it's all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw that you cared and I wanted to beeverything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I looked....and now I want to say thanksfor all the things I saw,when you thought I wasn't looking.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today we learnt what happened before Matan Torah- how when Hashem asked Bnei Yisrael if they want the Torah and they said Na'ase Venishma. When they said these two words they received two crowns.
Yom Tov
We continued the story of Purim and learnt how Bigsan and Seresh were plotting to kill the king and Mordechai heard and therefore saved the king's life
Today we traced and cut out fish that we are using on our shalach monos boxes. We reviewed how when we cut we must stay on the line all the time and then we will have an accurate shape.
Visual Perception
We practised writing the number 0 by following direction. We also followed the arrows to the dots to create a son.Dot to DotWe did a dot to dot up to number 9 to form a telephone
If A Child Lives With. .
.If a child lives with criticism. . . . . . . .he learns to condemn.If a child lives with hostility. . . . . . . . he learns to fight.If a child lives with fear. . . . . . . .he learns to be apprehensive.If a child lives with jealousy. . . . . . . .he learns to feel guilt.If a child lives with tolerance. . . . . . . .he learns to be patient.If a child lives with encouragement . . . . . . . .he learns to be confident.If a child lives with praise. . . . . . . .he learns to be appreciative.If a child lives with acceptance. . . . . . . .he learns to love.If a child lives with approval. . . . . . . .he learns to like himself.If a child lives with recognition . . . . . . . .he learns that it is good to have a goal.If a child lives with honesty. . . . . . . .he learns what truth is.If a child lives with fairness. . . . . . . .he learns justice.If a child lives with security. . . . . . . .he learns to trust in himself and others .If a child lives with friendliness. . . . . . . .he learns the world is a nice place in which to live.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today we continued learning Parshas Mishpatim and learnt "midvar sheker tirchak" never tell a lie. We also learnt that we are taking out two sifrei Torah . The second one for parshas Shekalim. Every jew had to bring half a shekel so they could be counted.

We continued the story of Purim learning how king Achashverosh chose Esther to be his queen and how Mordechai (her cousin) promised to sit at the gates of the palace to watch over her.

We drew beautiful bright clowns using cray pas and then drew a border around them.

We learnt the initial sound "b" and found as many words as we can starting with the "b" sound. We also identified words taht start with "b" in our workbooks.

Please send something to school starting with a "b" sound.

We counted bats (animals) and circled the correct number. We then coloured them in

A BIG Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our information evening.

At the evening we decided together that children can bring a fruit or vegetable to school for a mid morning snack.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Today we started learning Parshas Mishpatim. We learnt all about mitzvos between one Jew and another Jew. We also learnt taht if your slave does not want to leave you , you have to pierce his ear

Yom Tov

We started learning the story of Purim and were introduced to Achashverosh and Vashti . We also learnt all about the King's banquet


We started making our graggers. We painted them in many different shades of pink and purple.


In our book we worked on a page of numbers 1-5. We cut out hands with different amounts of fingers and stuck them next to the correct number. Then we drew the right amount of dots next to each number

We also matched the number of dots on a ladybird to the correct number

Little Champs

Today we started Little Champs. Everyone was so excited to see Lauren

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This week we learnt Parshas Yisro. We learnt the concept of what a father in law is. We also learnt all about Matan Torah and the Aseres Hadibros. The girls are now able to say all ten Aseres Hadibros

Parsha Craft

Our parsha craft was a perceptual rather than creative activity. The girls were given the letters aleph to yud , had to cut them out and then stick them in the correct order on two blue squares. This craft incorporated cutting, sequencing and planning skills.

Weekly Craft

This week we started preparing for our Purim crafts which will begin in earnest next week. The girls were given sheets with a border on them and had to colour the border in only two colours. We learnt the concept of what what a border was and the idea that the pattern contantly repeats itself.


This week we continued with number values . The children had to sequence the numbers 6-10 and then stick the correct amount of stickers next to each number.

They also did a worksheet with 9 cookies - each cookie cup having a number on it and they had to draw the correct anount of candles.

We also drew leaves on to stems of flowers to the value of the nimber written next to the flower. All the flowers with one leaf had to be coloured yellow and two leaves red.


This week we practised rhyming and did a rhyming worksheet.

Perceptual Activities

We continued the concept of big and small

We reviewed and identified shapes and coloured each one in a different colour

We had to colour in birds as per instuction given orally to the whole class ie colour the second bird blue

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Morah Tanya's class goes green

In honour of Parshas Beshalach, we made bird feeders. We discussed that these bird feeders are special as they are able to be eaten completely by the birds (biodegradable!) as they are made from bagels, peanut butter and seeds.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were able to tell us exactly why we made them...

Rachel "To say thank you to them (the birds!) because they ate the manna that the man put around the desert to trick the Jews."

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