Monday, March 8, 2010

Today we started learning parshas Vayakhel and Pekudei. We learnt how Moshe gathered Bnei Yisrael together and told them that Hashem had forgiven them for the chet haeigel and now they must build a mishkan. We discussed how we will take out two Torahs one for the parsha and one for parshas Hachodesh.

Yom Tov
We are very busy learning about Pesach. We are learning the order of the seder step by step. We are singing mah nishtanah, the ten makos,dayeinu and many other Pesach songs.

Today we cut coloured and beaded two vassing cups for our haggodah

We matched snowmens hats that were numbered to the snowman with that amount of buttons on him.
We discussed fat and thin and circled all the thin pictures

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