Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today we learnt parshas Ki Sisa. We learnt about the half a shekel, the kiyor and that Bnei Yisrael must not forget about Shabbos while building the mishkan. We also learnt about parshas Parah and the Parah Adumah.

Yom Tov
We have started learning about Pesach . We are practising the mah nishtana. Today we started the order of the seder and learnt why we drink four cups of wine.

We traced and cut out a kiddush cup for our haggadah.

We joined the dots to form numbers on five fish. We then had to clour each fish in the correct colour and stick them in a bowl in the sequenced order.

We celebrated Rachaeli Hurwitz's birthday. Mazal Tov Rachaeli

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