Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today we learnt how when the mishkan was ready it kept falling down. Only when Moshe set it up did it stand. We also learnt that Parshas Pekudei is the last parsha in the book of Shmos so when we finish reading the parsha we say Chazak Chazak Venischazeik.

Yom Tov
We learnt that when we say the ten makos we spill our wine in order to say "shame" for the Mitzrim for having suffered. We also learnt that you have to say three special words at the seder-Pesach, Matzah and Maror

Using pom poms we stuck bunches of grapes onto our kiddush cups. We also coloured in our three bowls in cray pas.

We practised rhyming and matched two sets of rhyming pictures.

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